ocr: TBE CHAMNEL CONFIGURATION Wotk sa cutet anskios Fic'd core: osue Boan channer ossconnect coble Fleld tester End canner. figure 2. The chane IS The TARSRSSIDRE patru thatt TUTS roni a devicem the: work area: to tetwvork upment # thes wiMng doset. Iis naximierh ansthisSiOn path is, 0Om; tirs path icades soms ofUTPcalle end ORT total ofuser) patet cords, rss-comeeT cables, and equupment cras. 1 Tns figure, A pgrtyres the aseri patcity cord, uchs runs fram a ASeT device R the IOTK: are: to: thie wall ouitiet, Bsigniftes Trarsstion cabung, and Csignifies horizontal cabling B and Cequal 9Uni OfUTP c ...